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Showing posts with the label Healthy Sweet Tooth

Peanut Super Energy Bar

This cutie pie Peanut Super Energy Bar is a quick solution for one of your daily snacking. The best part is the nutrition from it, since it counts with the great energy and well distibuted macro nutrients. And the best part is that it will help with your sweet cravings while healthy snacking. Did I also mentioned that it is a 5 min prep? Yeap, you read this right! All it take is 5 min and they are ready to cool down. No baking at all ... 😉👌 So lets do this easy peasy Peanut Super Energy Bars! ⚡⚡⚡😝😝😝 Ingrediences: 3 spoons of coconut oil 3 spoons of peanut butter 3 spoons of honey 2 cups of whole grain oats (or instant oats) 1/2 raisins Preparation: Melt the first three ingredients on the stow at low heat. As soon as melted remove and add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. Now you can find the tupper with a good shape for your super bars, something between 4 x 8 in or 5 x 10in. Once you invert all the mix in the choosen tupper, push with the spoon to make it all even and let it...